

Reader Interaction Tutorial

Welcome to the Reader Interaction Tutorial
This will be only one of a few updates with a lot of text. Not to worry, they will only pop up as they are encountered.

From this point on, this is where reader feedback; or 'Commands'
is required to move the story along.

To submit commands, simply leave a comment on the current post suggesting what the protagonist should do.

It is suggested that you keep up with the story in order to submit proper commands, as not all commands will progress the story. Some may hinder the protagonist. Reader commands run the risk of even getting characters killed later on in the story.

Edit: My housemate brought it to my attention that I should make proper instructions to differentiate the Commands for the story, and reader discussion.

When submitting commands, comment with " Command: ... "
The first couple comments so far will be treated as commands, but all future instances should follow this new instruction ♥

> Dark clouds could mean rain <
A x will appear if a command is not valid.
This does not necessarily mean that it is a bad command.

> Looks like smoke <
A √ will appear if a command is valid.
This does not necessarily mean that it is the best command.

A will appear when a command is still in progress.
No commands are needed.

( When Commands are not longer being accepted, a strike will appear over the prompt.)

Readers may submit as many commands as they desire, but only four commands may be accepted during each update.


  1. I hope she finds a face cover. Smoke can be deadly. 8(

  2. well if that is smoke, where is the fire? Perhaps it would be a good idea to sit up and look around

  3. Get up and get a look at your surroundings. Assess any possible danger zones and possible safe areas from the flames.

  4. Command: Get up and observe surroundings.
